Gagan preet

Front-end Developer

Engineer by choice. Coder by Passion.

A Glimpse Of My Creations

Hover over the cards to know more about the projects

Stone Paper and Scissors game using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Paper Scissors game

Card Hover Effect using HTML and CSS

Card Hover Effect

Dice Challenge to select one out of two players

Dice Challenge

A pencil using single div and pure CSS

Pencil: Single div CSS Art

Huddle Landing Page challenge using Html, CSS and Bootstrap

Frontend Mentor:Huddle page

Responsive TinDog website using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

Tin Dog

CSS Art showing the famous cartoon character

Sponge Bob

Tools and Technologies

Programming languages and tools that I use









About me...

Hello there, My name is Gagan Preet. I am a front-end developer based in India. I love sharing knowledge and skills with others and this lead to my decision of being a teacher. But somewhere deep down my heart I had an inclination towards programming which resulted in my decision of experimenting with web development.

Even though the journey that i have been through till now is not so long; I am a passionate learner working on my skills and growing as a front-end developer each and every day.